2012 Volkswagen Beetle Convertible color combinations for USA market

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Roof Cover (Fabric) for 2012 Volkswagen Beetle Convertible

Color Color code
nutria (brown)SM
titanium black/blackSL

Equipment Overview for 2012 Volkswagen Beetle Convertible

Color Color code
nutria beige91
titan black/salsa redYM
titanium black/redYM YM
titanium black/blueYJ YJ
titan black/atlantic blueYJ YJ
titanium black/amaranthNL NL
nutria beigeNK
nutria (brown)NK NK
titanium blackMX MX
titanium metallic (grey)MX MX
nutria beigeMV MV
nutria (brown)MV MV
titanium blackMK MK
titanium black/candy whiteJU JU

Exterior Body Colour for 2012 Volkswagen Beetle Convertible

Color Color code
reflexsilver metallicA7W
toffee brown metallicH8Z
deep black pearl effectC9X
platinum-grey metallicD7X
oryx white mother-of-pearl eff0K1ORYX
pure whiteC9A
moonrock metallic silverP7W
reef blue metallicB5K
denim blueP5F
tornado redY3D
candy whiteB9A

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