1998 Volkswagen Caddy service parts for South Africa market
1998 Volkswagen Caddy Air Filter Elements
1998 Volkswagen Caddy Brake Discs
- OEM part number: 321615301
- Quantity in car: 2
- Description: 239X12
In 21 shops.
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1998 Volkswagen Caddy Brake Fluids
1998 Volkswagen Caddy Bulbs
- OEM part number: 431919040
- Was discontinued without replacement on Feb 1, 2013.
- Description: 12V 1,2W
In 5 shops.
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- OEM part number: 431919040A
- Was discontinued without replacement on Oct 1, 2011.
- Description: 12V 2W
In 3 shops.
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- OEM part number: N 0177512
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: 12V 1,2W
In 42 shops.
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- OEM part number: N 0177632
- Quantity in car: 2
- Description: H4-12V-60/55W
In 26 shops.
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- OEM part number: N 0177172
- Quantity in car: 2
- Description: T4W-12V4W
In 42 shops.
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- OEM part number: N 0177322
- Quantity in car: 2
- Description: P21W-12V21W
In 48 shops.
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- OEM part number: N 0177382
- Quantity in car: 2
- Description: 12V 21/5W
In 46 shops.
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- OEM part number: N 0177532
- Was superseded by: on Jul 1, 2012.
- Quantity in car: 2
- Description: W5W-12V5W
In 2 shops.
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1998 Volkswagen Caddy Clutch Plates
1998 Volkswagen Caddy Clutch Pressure Plates
1998 Volkswagen Caddy Disc Brake Pads
1998 Volkswagen Caddy Fuel Filter
1998 Volkswagen Caddy Oil Filter
1998 Volkswagen Caddy Spark Plugs
1998 Volkswagen Caddy Toothed Belt
1998 Volkswagen Caddy Wiper Blades Conventional
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