2011 Volkswagen Touareg color combinations for Mexico market

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Additional Colours for 2011 Volkswagen Touareg

Color Color code
steel rim03CRally black
aluminium rimZ31Bright chrome

Equipment Overview for 2011 Volkswagen Touareg

Color Color code
latte macchiato 'st. tropez'92
anthracite 'st. tropez'91
latte macchiato(brown)QU
pure beigeQN
crystal greyQK
latte macchiato(brown)QA
flint grey/blackOK
white 'st.tropez'OB
pure beigeNZ
crystal greyNW
latte macchiato(brown)NJ
latte macchiato(brown)MS
sioux (brown)MP
pure beigeML
crystal greyMH
sun beigeMG
crystal greyLZ
pure beigeLH
moonrock greyKL
furioso (brown)KK
natural brownKJ
corn silk beigeJZ
titanium black/titanium blackJU
titanium blackJU
titanium black/titanium blackJJ
titanium blackJJ
anthracite/dakota (brown)IT
iowa (brown)/anthraciteIS
snow beige/anthraciteIL
pepper beigeIG
dark burgundyIF
sterling silver/anthraciteIE
bark brown/anthraciteID
grenadine (red)/anthraciteIB
crystal greyHH

Exterior Body Colour for 2011 Volkswagen Touareg

Color Color code
meteor gr met/graphite gr metM7W
dark flint grey metallicG7W
galapagos anthracite metallicR7M
reflexsilver metallicA7W
artic blue silver metallicB5M
atacama grey metallicR7P
silver leaf metallicR7L
toffee brown metallicH8Z
deep black pearl effectC9X
oryx white mother-of-pearl eff0K1
pure whiteC9A
black magic pearl effectC9Z
mountain grey metallicR7N
night blue metallicH5X
campanella whiteR9A
shadow blue metallicD5Q
ice silver metallicX7W
reed green metallicD6X
offroad grey metallicD7U
tungsten silver metallicB7W
racing green pearl effectZ6H

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