1999 Volkswagen Passat, 4Motion engine codes for Mexico market

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  • ACK 2.8L 6 cylinder gasoline engine 193 Hp (142 KW)

    Compatible with transmissions: CUC, RJD, SSD, TSD, WBE, YHD, ZVD.

  • ADP 1.6L 4 cylinder gasoline engine 100 Hp (74 KW)

    Compatible with transmissions: CHD, EHD, GWD, MCD, NCD, PVD, TPE, UMD.

  • ADR 1.8L 4 cylinder gasoline engine 125 Hp (92 KW)

    Compatible with transmissions: AWD, TPE, UMD, ZHD.

  • AEB 1.8L 4 cylinder gasoline engine 150 Hp (110 KW)

    Compatible with transmissions: QJC, UBE, VHE, WHD, XVD.

  • AFB 2.5L 6 cylinder diesel engine 150 Hp (110 KW)

    Compatible with transmissions: QLE, RFE, SQD, UTE.

  • AFN 1.9L 4 cylinder diesel engine 110 Hp (81 KW)

    Compatible with transmissions: FHD, LHD, NEE, VHD, VPE, XMD.

  • AFY 1.8L 4 cylinder gasoline engine 115 Hp (85 KW)

    Compatible with transmissions: AJD, BWD, TPE, UMD.

  • AGE 2.8L 6 cylinder gasoline engine 180 Hp (132 KW)

    Compatible with transmissions: DRD, DWD, EAD.

  • AGZ 2.3L 5 cylinder gasoline engine 150 Hp (110 KW)

    Compatible with transmissions: CAE, JSD, LUD, MUD, NHD, PED, TVD.

  • AHH 1.9L 4 cylinder diesel engine 90 Hp (66 KW)

    Compatible with transmissions: BAE, SVD, VMD.

  • AHL 1.6L 4 cylinder gasoline engine 100 Hp (74 KW)

    Compatible with transmissions: FWD, GWD, MCD, NCD, TPE, UMD.

  • AHU 1.9L 4 cylinder diesel engine 90 Hp (66 KW)

    Compatible with transmissions: BAE, FHD, LHD, NEE, SVD, UPE, VHD, VMD.

  • AJM 1.9L 4 cylinder diesel engine 115 Hp (85 KW)

    Compatible with transmissions: AME, CDE, CXE, KUD, YRE, ZYE.

  • AKN 2.5L 6 cylinder diesel engine 150 Hp (110 KW)

    Compatible with transmissions: KME, QLE, SQD, ZTE.

  • ANA 1.6L 4 cylinder gasoline engine 100 Hp (74 KW)

    Compatible with transmissions: EHD, GWD, NCD, PVD, TPE, UMD.

  • ANB 1.8L 4 cylinder gasoline engine 150 Hp (110 KW)

    Compatible with transmissions: UBE, VHE.

  • APR 2.8L 6 cylinder gasoline engine 193 Hp (142 KW)

    Compatible with transmissions: SSD, WBE, YHD, ZVD.

  • APT 1.8L 4 cylinder gasoline engine 125 Hp (92 KW)

    Compatible with transmissions: AWD, TPE, UMD, ZHD.

  • APU 1.8L 4 cylinder gasoline engine 150 Hp (110 KW)

    Compatible with transmissions: QJC, UBE, VHE, WHD, XVD.

  • AQD 2.8L 6 cylinder gasoline engine 193 Hp (142 KW)

    Compatible with transmissions: WBE, ZVD.

  • ARG 1.8L 4 cylinder gasoline engine 125 Hp (92 KW)

    Compatible with transmissions: AWD, TPE, UMD.

  • ARM 1.6L 4 cylinder gasoline engine 100 Hp (74 KW)

    Compatible with transmissions: GWD, NCD, TPE, UMD.

  • ASU 2.0L 4 cylinder gasoline engine 120 Hp (88 KW)

    Compatible with transmissions: CNE, TPE, UMD.

  • ATJ 1.9L 4 cylinder diesel engine 115 Hp (85 KW)

    Compatible with transmissions: AME, CDE, CXE, KUD, NLE, PLE, YRE, ZYE.

  • ATX 2.8L 6 cylinder gasoline engine 190 Hp (140 KW)

    Compatible with transmissions: WBE, ZVD.

  • AUZ 2.0L 4 cylinder gasoline engine 120 Hp (88 KW)

    Compatible with transmissions: TPE, UMD.

  • AVA 2.0L 4 cylinder gasoline engine 120 Hp (88 KW)

    Compatible with transmissions: BCF, VME.

  • AVB 1.9L 4 cylinder diesel engine 100 Hp (74 KW)

    Compatible with transmission: NEE.

  • AVG 1.9L 4 cylinder diesel engine 110 Hp (81 KW)

    Compatible with transmissions: FHD, LHD, NEE, VHD, VPE, XMD.

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