2000 Volkswagen Gol Country service parts for Argentina market
2000 Volkswagen Gol Country Air Filter Elements
- OEM part number: 377129620
- Quantity in car: 1
- Fits: 221if production date from 03.08.1998 to 31.10.1999
- Description: 4-door
In 3 shops.
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- OEM part number: 032129620B
- Quantity in car: 1
- Fits: 511if production date from 06.08.2001 to 31.05.2002
- Description: 4-door
In 2 shops.
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- OEM part number: 377129620E
- Quantity in car: 1
- Fits: 221if production date from 01.11.1999 to 31.05.2002
- Description: 4-door
In 1 shop.
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2000 Volkswagen Gol Country Brake Discs
- OEM part number: 3256152893
- Was discontinued without replacement on Jan 1, 2006.
- Quantity in car: 2
- Description: Frontif production date from 30.07.1997 - 31.05.2002, 4-door, 432 ~if production date from 15.08.1995 - 28.02.1998, 2 doors ~if production date from 01.02.1996 - 28.02.1998, 112 ~
In 1 shop.
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- OEM part number: 377615301
- Quantity in car: 2
- Description: If production date from 30.07.1997 - 31.05.2002, 4-door, 994 ~if production date from 01.02.1996 - 28.02.1998, 2 doors ~
In 1 shop.
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2000 Volkswagen Gol Country Brake Drum Shoes
- OEM part number: 5X0698075C
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: Rearif production date from 30.07.1997 - 31.05.2002, 4-door ~if production date from 01.05.1996 - 28.02.1998, 2 doors ~
In 2 shops.
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- OEM part number: 379698161
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 03.08.1998 - 31.07.2000, 4-door, 112 ~if production date from 01.02.1996 - 28.02.1998, 2 doors ~
In 1 shop.
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2000 Volkswagen Gol Country Brake Fluids
2000 Volkswagen Gol Country Bulbs
- OEM part number: N 90262501
- Was discontinued without replacement on Jan 1, 2006.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Fits: 169if production date from 01.05.1999 to 22.07.2001
- Description: 1,5V
In 17 shops.
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- OEM part number: N 0177512
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: 12V-1,2Wif production date from 30.07.1997 - 31.05.2002, 4-door, 075 ~if production date from 15.08.1995 - 28.02.1998, 2 doors ~
In 42 shops.
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- OEM part number: N 0177322
- Description: P21W-12V21W
if production date from 30.07.1997 - 31.05.2002, 4-door, use 2if production date from 15.08.1995 - 28.02.1998, 2 doors
571, use 1
use 4
In 48 shops.
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- OEM part number: N 0177532
- Was superseded by: on Feb 1, 2012.
- Quantity in car: 2
- Description: W5W-12V5Wif production date from 30.07.1997 - 31.05.2002, 4-door ~if production date from 15.08.1995 - 28.02.1998, 2 doors ~
In 2 shops.
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- OEM part number: N 0177612
- Quantity in car: 2
- Fits: 130if production date from 01.05.1999 to 31.05.2002
- Description: H1-12V-55W
In 46 shops.
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- OEM part number: N 0177632
- Quantity in car: 2
- Fits: If production date from 30.07.1997 to 31.05.2002
- Description: H4-12V-60/55W
In 26 shops.
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- OEM part number: N 0177622
- Quantity in car: 2
- Fits: 570if production date from 30.07.1997 to 31.05.2002
- Description: H3-12V55W
In 46 shops.
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- OEM part number: N 10256401
- Was superseded by: on Dec 1, 2011.
- Quantity in car: 2
- Fits: If production date from 01.05.1999 to 31.05.2002
- Description: PY21W12V21W
In 1 shop.
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- OEM part number: N 10320101
- Was superseded by: on Dec 1, 2011.
- Quantity in car: 2
- Fits: 130if production date from 01.05.1999 to 31.05.2002
- Description: H7-12V-55W
In 1 shop.
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- OEM part number: N 0177382
- Quantity in car: 2
- Description: 21/5W-12Vif production date from 30.07.1997 - 31.05.2002, 4-door ~if production date from 15.08.1995 - 28.02.1998, 2 doors ~
In 46 shops.
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- OEM part number: N 10256407
- Quantity in car: 2
- Fits: If production date from 01.05.1999 to 31.05.2002
- Description: PY21W12V
In 45 shops.
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- OEM part number: N 0177172
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: T4W-12V4Wif production date from 30.07.1997 - 31.05.2002, 4-door, 053 ~if production date from 15.08.1995 2- 28.02.1998, 2 doors ~
In 42 shops.
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- OEM part number: N 0177252
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: C5W-12V5Wif production date from 02.01.1998 - 31.05.2002, 4-door, 985/ 999 ~if production date from 02.01.1998 2- 28.02.1998, 2 doors ~
In 46 shops.
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2000 Volkswagen Gol Country Clutch Plates
- OEM part number: 030141033T
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: 180MM SACHSif production date from 01.09.1997 - 14.05.2000, 4-door, 511 ~if production date from 01.09.1997 - 28.02.1998, 2 doors ~
In 2 shops.
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- OEM part number: 030141033N
- Quantity in car: 1
- Fits: 511if production date from 16.07.2001 to 31.05.2002
- Description: 200MM SACHS
In 1 shop.
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- OEM part number: 030141034
- Quantity in car: 1
- Fits: 511if production date from 15.05.2000 to 31.05.2002
- Description: 200MM LUK
In 1 shop.
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- OEM part number: 030141034B
- Quantity in car: 1
- Fits: 512if production date from 01.06.2000 to 31.05.2002
- Description: 200MM LUK
In 1 shop.
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- OEM part number: 026141033T
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: 210MM LUKif production date from 30.07.1997 - 31.05.2002, 4-door, 546/ 547 ~if production date from 30.07.1997 - 01.10.2000, 542/ 543 ~if production date from 15.08.1995 - 30.09.1996, 2 doors, 522/ 529 ~if production date from 15.08.1995 - 05.01.1997, 521
In 1 shop.
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- OEM part number: 02614103119
- Was discontinued without replacement on Apr 1, 2014.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: 215MM SACHSif production date from 30.07.1997 - 31.05.2002, 4-door, 546/ 547 ~if production date from 30.07.1997 - 01.10.2000, 542/ 543 ~if production date from 15.08.1995 - 30.09.1996, 2 doors, 522/ 529 ~if production date from 15.08.1995 - 05.01.1997, 5
In 1 shop.
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- OEM part number: 026141034
- Quantity in car: 1
- Fits: 543if production date from 02.10.2000 to 31.05.2002
- Description: 215MM SACHS
In 3 shops.
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- OEM part number: 026141034F
- Quantity in car: 1
- Fits: 542/ 543if production date from 02.10.2000 to 31.05.2002
- Description: 210MM LUK
In 1 shop.
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- OEM part number: 041141031F
- Quantity in car: 1
- Fits: 540/ 541if production date from 01.02.2000 to 31.05.2002
- Description: 200MM LUK
In 1 shop.
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- OEM part number: 028141036S
- Quantity in car: 1
- Fits: 221if production date from 01.02.2000 to 31.05.2002
- Description: 200MM LUK
In 1 shop.
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2000 Volkswagen Gol Country Clutch Pressure Plates
- OEM part number: 030141026A
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: 180MM LUKif production date from 01.09.1997 - 14.05.2000, 4-door, 511 ~if production date from 01.09.1997 - 28.02.1998, 2 doors ~
In 3 shops.
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- OEM part number: 030141025T
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: 180MM SACHSif production date from 01.09.1997 - 14.05.2000, 4-door, 511 ~if production date from 01.09.1997 - 28.02.1998, 2 doors ~
In 2 shops.
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- OEM part number: 030141025N
- Quantity in car: 1
- Fits: 511if production date from 16.07.2001 to 31.05.2002
- Description: 200MM SACHS
In 1 shop.
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- OEM part number: 030141025P
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: 200MM LUKif production date from 15.05.2000 - 31.05.2002, 4-door, 511 ~if production date from 01.06.2000 - 31.05.2002, 512 ~
In 1 shop.
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- OEM part number: 026141117E
- Was discontinued without replacement on Jan 1, 2006.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Fits: 542/ 543if production date from 02.10.2000 to 31.05.2002
- Description: 210MM LUK
In 1 shop.
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- OEM part number: 026141117D
- Quantity in car: 1
- Fits: 543if production date from 02.10.2000 to 31.05.2002
- Description: 215MM SACHS
In 3 shops.
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- OEM part number: 0261411177
- Was discontinued without replacement on Feb 1, 2012.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: 215MM SACHSif production date from 30.07.1997 - 31.05.2002, 4-door, 546/ 547 ~if production date from 30.07.1997 - 01.10.2000, 542/ 543 ~if production date from 15.08.1995 - 30.09.1996, 2 doors, 522/ 529 ~if production date from 15.08.1995 - 05.01.1997, 5
In 1 shop.
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- OEM part number: 0261411178
- Was discontinued without replacement on Dec 1, 2011.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: 210MM LUKif production date from 30.07.1997 - 31.05.2002, 4-door, 546/ 547 ~if production date from 30.07.1997 - 01.10.2000, 542/ 543 ~if production date from 15.08.1995 - 30.09.1996, 2 doors, 522/ 529 ~if production date from 15.08.1995 - 05.01.1997, 521
In 1 shop.
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- OEM part number: 041141117A
- Quantity in car: 1
- Fits: 540/ 541if production date from 01.02.2000 to 31.05.2002
- Description: 200MM LUK
In 1 shop.
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- OEM part number: 053141117 X
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: 228MMif production date from 03.08.1998 - 31.07.2000, 4-door, 112 ~if production date from 01.02.1996 - 28.02.1998, 2 doors ~
In 29 shops.
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- OEM part number: APS198015A
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: LUK
if production date from 30.07.1997 - 31.05.2002, 4-door, 546/ 547if production date from 30.07.1997 - 01.10.2000, 542/ 543if production date from 15.08.1995 - 30.09.1996, 2 doors, 522/ 529if production date from 15.08.1995 - 05.01.1997, 521/ 528if pro
In 1 shop.
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- OEM part number: 02614111713
- Quantity in car: 1
- Fits: 221if production date from 01.02.2000 to 31.05.2002
- Description: 200MM LUK
In 1 shop.
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2000 Volkswagen Gol Country Clutch Sets
2000 Volkswagen Gol Country Disc Brake Pads
- OEM part number: 374698151A
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: Also use:, 379 615 105 ~
if production date from 30.07.1997 - 31.05.2002, 4-door, 511/540/541/542/543/546/ 547if production date from 03.08.1998 - 31.05.2002, 221if production date from 01.06.2000 - 31.05.2002, 512if production date from 15.08.1995
In 2 shops.
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- OEM part number: 377698151J
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: Also use:, 377 615 105 G ~
if production date from 30.07.1997 - 31.05.2002, 4-door, 511/540/541/542/543/546/ 547if production date from 03.08.1998 - 31.05.2002, 221if production date from 01.06.2000 - 31.05.2002, 512if production date from 15.08.1
In 3 shops.
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- OEM part number: 5X0698151C
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: COBREQif production date from 05.02.2001 - 31.05.2002, 4-door, 1AC ~if production date from 15.08.1995 - 28.02.1998, 2 doors ~
In 2 shops.
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- OEM part number: 377698451
- Was discontinued without replacement on Jan 1, 2006.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 30.07.1997 - 31.05.2002, 4-door, 994 ~if production date from 01.02.1996 - 28.02.1998, 2 doors ~
In 2 shops.
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2000 Volkswagen Gol Country Dust/Pollen Filter
- OEM part number: 377819638
- Quantity in car: 1
- Fits: 286if production date from 01.05.1999 to 31.05.2002
- Description: 4-door
In 3 shops.
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2000 Volkswagen Gol Country Fuel Filter
- OEM part number: 068127177B
- Quantity in car: 1
- Fits: 221if production date from 03.08.1998 to 31.05.2002
- Description: 4-door
In 22 shops.
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- OEM part number: 0681274011
- Was discontinued without replacement on Dec 1, 2011.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Fits: 221if production date from 03.08.1998 to 31.05.2002
- Description: 4-door
In 1 shop.
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- OEM part number: ZBA261275G
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 30.07.1997 - 31.05.2002, 4-door, 540/542/ 546 ~if production date from 01.06.1998 - 31.05.2002, 221 ~if production date from 01.11.1996 - 05.01.1997, 2 doors, 504/521/ 528 ~if production date from 06.01.1997 - 28.02.1998 ~if produc
In 1 shop.
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- OEM part number: 377133511B
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 30.07.1997 - 31.05.2002, 4-door, 540/542/ 546 ~if production date from 01.11.1996 - 05.01.1997, 2 doors, 504/521/ 528 ~if production date from 06.01.1997 - 28.02.1998 ~
In 1 shop.
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- OEM part number: 5X0201511
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 30.07.1997 - 31.05.2002, 4-door, 541/543/ 547 ~if production date from 01.09.1997 - 31.05.2002, 511 ~if production date from 03.08.1998 - 31.07.2000, 112 ~if production date from 01.06.2000 - 31.05.2002, 512 ~if production date fro
In 2 shops.
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- OEM part number: 377919058D
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: BOSCHif production date from 01.09.1997 - 31.05.2002, 4-door, 511 ~if production date from 01.09.1997 - 28.02.1998, 2 doors ~
In 18 shops.
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2000 Volkswagen Gol Country Glow Plug
- OEM part number: N 10213002
- Quantity in car: 4
- Fits: 221if production date from 03.08.1998 to 31.05.2002
- Description: M12X1,25X21
In 23 shops.
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2000 Volkswagen Gol Country Oil Filter
- OEM part number: 036115561
- Quantity in car: 1
- Fits: 512if production date from 01.06.2000 to 31.05.2002
- Description: 4-door
In 1 shop.
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- OEM part number: 0261155613
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 30.07.1997 - 31.05.2002, 4-door, 540/541/542/543/546/ 547 ~if production date from 03.08.1998 - 31.07.2000, 112 ~if production date from 15.08.1995 - 30.09.1996, 2 doors, 505/522/ 529 ~if production date from 15.08.1995 - 05.01.199
In 3 shops.
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- OEM part number: 068115561B
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 03.08.1998 to 31.05.2002, 4-door, 221
optional:, 068 115 561 E
In 47 shops.
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- OEM part number: 068115561E
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 03.08.1998 to 31.05.2002, 4-door, 221
optional:, 068 115 561 B
In 27 shops.
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2000 Volkswagen Gol Country Spark Plugs
- OEM part number: 101000033AA
- Quantity in car: 4
- Fits: 511if production date from 06.08.2001 to 31.05.2002
- Description: BKUR 6 NGK
In 29 shops.
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- OEM part number: 101000051AA
- Quantity in car: 4
- Fits: 511if production date from 01.05.2002 to 31.05.2002
- Description: F7LTCR BOSCH
In 24 shops.
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- OEM part number: 0309059997
- Quantity in car: 4
- Fits: 541/543/ 547if production date from 02.03.1998 to 31.05.2002
- Description: WR7LTC BOSCH
In 1 shop.
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2000 Volkswagen Gol Country Starter Batteries
2000 Volkswagen Gol Country Toothed Belt
- OEM part number: 036109119H
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: Z=149if production date from 01.09.1997 - 05.08.2001, 4-door, 511 ~if production date from 01.09.1997 - 28.02.1998, 2 doors ~
In 1 shop.
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- OEM part number: 0361091191
- Quantity in car: 1
- Fits: 512if production date from 01.06.2000 to 31.05.2002
- Description: 4-door
In 1 shop.
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- OEM part number: 036109119P
- Quantity in car: 1
- Fits: 511if production date from 06.08.2001 to 31.05.2002
- Description: Z=58
In 5 shops.
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- OEM part number: 026109119C
- Was superseded by: on Jan 1, 2010.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 30.07.1997 - 30.04.2001, 4-door, 540/541/542/543/546/ 547 ~if production date from 15.08.1995 - 30.09.1996, 2 doors, 505/522/ 529 ~if production date from 15.08.1995 - 05.01.1997, 504/521/ 528 ~if production date from 01.10.1996 -
In 1 shop.
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- OEM part number: 026109119B
- Was superseded by: on Dec 1, 2011.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 30.07.1997 - 30.04.2001, 4-door, 540/541/542/543/546/ 547 ~if production date from 15.08.1995 - 30.09.1996, 2 doors, 505/522/ 529 ~if production date from 15.08.1995 - 05.01.1997, 504/521/ 528 ~if production date from 01.10.1996 -
In 1 shop.
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- OEM part number: 048109119G
- Was discontinued without replacement on Dec 1, 2011.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 03.08.1998 - 31.07.2000, 4-door, 112 ~if production date from 01.02.1996 - 28.02.1998, 2 doors ~
In 3 shops.
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- OEM part number: 056109119A
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 30.07.1997 - 31.10.1997, 4-door, 540/541/542/543/546/ 547 ~if production date from 15.08.1995 - 30.09.1996, 2 doors, 505/522/ 529 ~if production date from 15.08.1995 - 05.01.1997, 504/521/ 528 ~if production date from 01.10.1996 -
In 30 shops.
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- OEM part number: 028109119P
- Quantity in car: 1
- Fits: 221if production date from 03.08.1998 to 31.05.2002
- Description: 4-door
In 24 shops.
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2000 Volkswagen Gol Country Transmission Oil
- OEM part number: G 005000
- Description: 1.0 ltr.if production date from 03.08.1998 3- 31.07.2000, 4-door, 112 ~if production date from 01.02.1996 2- 28.02.1998, 2 doors ~
In 19 shops.
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- OEM part number: G 052911A1
- Description: 0.5ltr.if production date from 03.08.1998 3- 31.07.2000, 4-door, 112 ~if production date from 01.02.1996 2- 28.02.1998, 2 doors ~
In 19 shops.
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- OEM part number: G 052911A2
- Description: 1.0 ltr.if production date from 03.08.1998 3- 31.07.2000, 4-door, 112 ~if production date from 01.02.1996 2- 28.02.1998, 2 doors ~
In 20 shops.
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2000 Volkswagen Gol Country Wiper Blades Conventional
2000 Volkswagen Gol Country Wiper Blades Sets Conventional
- OEM part number: 5W0998002A
- Quantity in car: 1
- Fits: If production date from 01.05.1999 to 31.05.2002
- Description: 21" / 19"
In 2 shops.
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