1998 Volkswagen Santana genuine instruments, sockets, switches and senders parts catalog for Brazil market
- OEM part number: 32591903334
- Was discontinued without replacement on Sep 23, 1999.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.09.1993 - 03.04.1994, 2 doors, 243+424if production date from 01.09.1993 - 31.08.1994, 243+420,527,525if production date from 04.04.1994 - 31.08.1994, 243+524
4-door, 243+420,527
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- OEM part number: 32791903310
- Was discontinued without replacement on Aug 1, 2014.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.03.1999 - 31.07.2006, 4-door ~if production date from 01.03.1999 - 31.12.2001, QUANTUM ~
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- OEM part number: 3279190336
- Was discontinued without replacement on Apr 1, 2000.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Fits: If production date from 01.10.1996 to 01.02.1998
- Description: 4-door QUANTUM
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- OEM part number: 3279190337
- Was discontinued without replacement on Mar 26, 1999.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.10.1996 - 01.02.1998, 4-door, 074+245+472 ~if production date from 01.10.1996 - 31.03.1997, QUANTUM, 780 ~
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- OEM part number: 3279190339
- Was discontinued without replacement on Aug 1, 2014.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 02.02.1998 - 28.02.1999, 4-door, 074+245+472if production date from 01.03.1999 - 31.07.2000, 245+472
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- OEM part number: ZBC919041
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.02.1984 - 30.09.1995, 2 doors ~if production date from 01.06.1984 - 31.07.2006, 4-door ~if production date from 01.03.1985 - 31.12.2001, QUANTUM ~
Available in 13 shops. Add to cart
- OEM part number: 3259190421
- Was discontinued without replacement on Jun 1, 2009.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.04.1991 - 30.09.1995, 2 doorsif production date from 01.04.1991 - 02.11.1992, 074if production date from 01.04.1991 - 31.08.1993, 809if production date from 01.11.1991 - 31.08.1993, 432,809if production date from 04.11.1991 - 02
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- OEM part number: 3259190421
- Was discontinued without replacement on Jun 1, 2009.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 03.11.1992 - 03.04.1994, 2 doors, 074+424if production date from 03.11.1992 - 04.04.1994, 424if production date from 03.11.1992 - 31.08.1994, 420,420+432,074+420+432if production date from 30.11.1992 - 31.08.1993, 074+653if product
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- OEM part number: 3259190421
- Was discontinued without replacement on Jun 1, 2009.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.09.1993 - 31.08.1994, 2 doors, 243+432+527if production date from 04.04.1994 - 31.08.1994, 243+524,524if production date from 01.09.1994 - 30.09.1995, 074+245+472if production date from 01.10.1991 - 08.09.1992, 4-doorif producti
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- OEM part number: 3259190421
- Was discontinued without replacement on Jun 1, 2009.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.11.1991 - 31.08.1993, 4-door, 432+809if production date from 04.11.1991 - 02.11.1992, 432+074if production date from 03.11.1992 - 31.01.1993, 599if production date from 03.11.1992 - 31.03.1993, 074+599if production date from 03.
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- OEM part number: 3259190421
- Was discontinued without replacement on Jun 1, 2009.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.02.1993 - 01.02.1998, 4-door, 472 ~if production date from 01.02.1993 - 31.08.1994, 525,074+ 525 ~if production date from 01.09.1993 - 31.08.1994, 243+420+432,243+527,074+243+420+472,074+243+527+243+424,243+525,432+472,527,432+5
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- OEM part number: 3259190421
- Was discontinued without replacement on Jun 1, 2009.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.09.1993 - 31.08.1994, 4-door, 243+420+527,074+245+420+432if production date from 04.04.1994 - 31.08.1994, 243+524,524if production date from 01.09.1994 - 01.02.1998, 074+245+472if production date from 01.11.1991 - 01.02.1998, QU
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- OEM part number: 3259190421
- Was discontinued without replacement on Jun 1, 2009.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 03.11.1992 - 30.08.1993, QUANTUM, 074+322+432if production date from 03.11.1992 - 31.08.1993, 322+653,322+432+653,432+653,653,074+432+653,074+809if production date from 03.11.1992 - 03.04.1994, 074+424if production date from 03.11.
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- OEM part number: 3259190421
- Was discontinued without replacement on Jun 1, 2009.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.09.1993 - 31.08.1994, QUANTUM, 472,074+243+527+243+424,243+525,432+472,527,432+527,243+432+527,074+524,074+527,074+245+420,074+245+527,074+432+527,243+420+527,074+245+420+432if production date from 04.04.1994 - 31.08.1994, 243+5
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- OEM part number: 3259190421
- Was discontinued without replacement on Jun 1, 2009.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 04.04.1994 - 31.08.1994, QUANTUM, 524 ~if production date from 01.09.1994 - 01.02.1998, 074+245+472 ~
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- OEM part number: ZBC919045A
- Was discontinued without replacement on Sep 23, 1999.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.02.1984 - 28.02.1986, 2 doors, 074if production date from 01.06.1984 - 28.02.1986, 4-doorif production date from 01.03.1985 - 28.02.1986, QUANTUM
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- OEM part number: ZBC919045C
- Was discontinued without replacement on Jun 1, 2009.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.02.1984 - 30.08.1988, 2 doors, 074+076+197+355,420+481,653+341,197,197+355,424+355 ~if production date from 01.02.1984 - 31.03.1991 ~if production date from 01.03.1986 - 30.08.1988, 424+249+355,424+481+355,249+355,481+249+653,42
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- OEM part number: ZBC919045C
- Was discontinued without replacement on Jun 1, 2009.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.06.1984 - 30.08.1988, 4-door, 355+424if production date from 01.06.1984 - 30.09.1991if production date from 01.03.1986 - 30.08.1988, 355+249,481if production date from 01.04.1988 - 30.08.1988, 249+653,420if production date from
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- OEM part number: ZBC919045C
- Was discontinued without replacement on Jun 1, 2009.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.03.1986 - 30.08.1988, QUANTUM, 355,424+355+481 ~if production date from 01.04.1988 - 30.08.1988, 249+653,420 ~if production date from 01.09.1988 - 19.01.1992, 420,653 ~
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- OEM part number: ZBC919045D
- Was discontinued without replacement on Mar 11, 2005.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.02.1984 - 30.08.1988, 2 doors, 420+074+481,653+074+481,074+249+355+424,074+197+355+481,074+197+ 355 ~if production date from 01.09.1985 - 28.02.1986, 074+076+355+ 424 ~if production date from 01.03.1986 - 30.08.1988, 074+249+355
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- OEM part number: ZBC919045D
- Was discontinued without replacement on Mar 11, 2005.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.09.1988 - 31.03.1991, 2 doors, 420+074,653+ 074 ~if production date from 01.06.1984 - 30.08.1988, 4-door, 420+074+481,653+074+481,074+249+355+424,074+197+355+481,074+197+ 355 ~if production date from 01.09.1985 - 28.02.1986, 074
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- OEM part number: ZBC919045D
- Was discontinued without replacement on Mar 11, 2005.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.05.1988 - 30.08.1988, 4-door, 420+074+ 249 ~if production date from 01.09.1988 - 30.09.1991, 074,420+074,653+ 074 ~if production date from 01.03.1985 - 30.08.1988, QUANTUM, 420+074+481,074+249+355+424,074+197+355+481,074+197+ 35
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- OEM part number: ZBC919045D
- Was discontinued without replacement on Mar 11, 2005.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.05.1988 - 30.08.1988, QUANTUM, 420+074+249 ~if production date from 01.09.1988 - 19.01.1992, 074+420,653 ~
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- OEM part number: ZBC919045E
- Was discontinued without replacement on Nov 14, 2003.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.03.1986 - 31.03.1991, 2 doors, 904+074 ~if production date from 01.03.1986 - 30.09.1991, 4-door, 904 ~if production date from 01.03.1986 - 19.01.1992, QUANTUM ~
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- OEM part number: 32591904513
- Was discontinued without replacement on Apr 30, 2003.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.02.1984 - 31.03.1991, 2 doors, R06+074 ~if production date from 01.06.1984 - 30.09.1991, 4-door, R06+074,555 ~if production date from 01.03.1985 - 19.01.1992, QUANTUM ~
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- OEM part number: ZBC919046
- Was discontinued without replacement on Sep 23, 1999.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: 25/10if production date from 01.02.1984 - 30.08.1988, 2 doors, 481+076,355 ~if production date from 01.06.1984 - 30.08.1988, 4-door ~if production date from 01.03.1985 - 30.08.1988, QUANTUM ~
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- OEM part number: ZBC919046A
- Was discontinued without replacement on Sep 23, 1999.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: 25/8if production date from 01.02.1984 - 30.08.1988, 2 doors, 074+076,355 ~if production date from 01.06.1984 - 30.08.1988, 4-door ~if production date from 01.03.1985 - 30.08.1988, QUANTUM ~
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- OEM part number: ZBC919046AA
- Was discontinued without replacement on Oct 15, 1999.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: 6/14if production date from 01.02.1984 - 30.08.1988, 2 doors, 481+420,424,355 ~if production date from 01.06.1984 - 30.08.1988, 4-door ~if production date from 01.03.1985 - 30.08.1988, QUANTUM ~
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- OEM part number: ZBC919046AB
- Was discontinued without replacement on Oct 15, 1999.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: 6/14if production date from 01.02.1984 - 30.08.1988, 2 doors, 420+074+ 481 ~if production date from 01.03.1986 - 30.08.1988, 074+481+424,074+355+424+ 481 ~if production date from 01.06.1984 - 30.08.1988, 4-door ~if production date from 01.03.1985 - 30.08.
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- OEM part number: ZBC919046AD
- Was discontinued without replacement on Sep 23, 1999.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: 8/16if production date from 01.02.1984 - 30.08.1988, 2 doors, 653+ 341 ~if production date from 01.03.1986 - 30.08.1988, 481,355+ 481 ~if production date from 01.06.1984 - 30.08.1988, 4-door ~if production date from 01.03.1985 - 30.08.1988, QUANTUM ~
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- OEM part number: ZBC919046D
- Was discontinued without replacement on Jun 14, 1999.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: 25/8if production date from 01.02.1984 - 30.08.1988, 2 doors, 074+424,355+ 424 ~if production date from 01.06.1984 - 30.08.1988, 4-door ~if production date from 01.03.1985 - 30.08.1988, QUANTUM ~
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- OEM part number: ZBC919046E
- Was discontinued without replacement on Oct 15, 1999.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: 19/7if production date from 01.02.1984 - 30.08.1988, 2 doors, 424+ 481 ~if production date from 01.09.1985 - 28.02.1986, 355+424+ 481 ~if production date from 01.06.1984 - 30.08.1988, 4-door ~if production date from 01.03.1985 - 30.08.1988, QUANTUM ~
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- OEM part number: ZBC919053
- Was discontinued without replacement on Sep 23, 1999.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.02.1984 - 30.08.1988, 2 doors, 025,420+481,653+341,197,197+355,074+076+197+355,355+ 424if production date from 01.09.1985 - 30.08.1988, 355+ 481if production date from 01.03.1986 - 30.08.1988, 904,355+249,249+355+ 424if producti
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- OEM part number: ZBC919053
- Was discontinued without replacement on Sep 23, 1999.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.06.1984 - 30.08.1988, 4-door, 074+076+197+355,355+ 424 ~if production date from 01.09.1985 - 30.08.1988, 355+481,355+481+ 424 ~if production date from 01.03.1986 - 30.08.1988, 904,249+355+ 424 ~if production date from 01.04.1988
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- OEM part number: ZBC919053
- Was discontinued without replacement on Sep 23, 1999.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.09.1985 - 30.08.1988, QUANTUM, 355+481+ 424 ~if production date from 01.03.1986 - 30.08.1988, 904,355+249,249+355+ 424 ~if production date from 01.04.1988 - 30.08.1988, 249+ 653 ~if production date from 01.05.1988 - 30.08.1988,
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- OEM part number: ZBC919053A
- Was discontinued without replacement on Sep 23, 1999.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.02.1984 - 30.08.1988, 2 doors, 420+074+481,653+074+481,074+355,074+249+355+424,074+197+355+481,074+197+ 355 ~if production date from 01.09.1985 - 28.02.1986, 074+076+355+ 424 ~if production date from 01.03.1986 - 30.08.1988, 074
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- OEM part number: ZBC919053A
- Was discontinued without replacement on Sep 23, 1999.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.06.1984 - 30.08.1988, 4-door, 420+074+481,653+074+481,074+355+074+249+355+424,074+197+355+481,074+197+ 355 ~if production date from 01.09.1985 - 28.02.1986, 074+076+355+ 424 ~if production date from 01.03.1986 - 30.08.1988, 074+
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- OEM part number: ZBC919053A
- Was discontinued without replacement on Sep 23, 1999.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.03.1985 - 30.08.1988, QUANTUM, 420+074+481,653+074+481,074+355,074+249,355+424,074+197+355+481,074+197+ 355 ~if production date from 01.09.1985 - 28.02.1986, 074+076+355+ 424 ~if production date from 01.03.1986 - 30.08.1988, 074
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- OEM part number: 3259190531
- Was discontinued without replacement on Jun 1, 2009.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.09.1988 - 31.03.1991, 2 doors, 074,420+074,653+ 074 ~if production date from 01.09.1988 - 30.09.1991, 4-door ~if production date from 01.09.1988 - 19.01.1992, QUANTUM ~
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- OEM part number: 3259190532
- Was discontinued without replacement on Feb 10, 2008.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.09.1988 - 31.03.1991, 2 doors, 025,904,420, 653 ~if production date from 01.09.1988 - 30.09.1991, 4-door ~if production date from 01.09.1988 - 19.01.1992, QUANTUM ~
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- OEM part number: 3259190533
- Was discontinued without replacement on Dec 9, 2007.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.02.1984 - 31.03.1991, 2 doors, R06+ 074 ~if production date from 01.06.1984 - 30.09.1991, 4-door, R06+074, 555 ~if production date from 01.03.1985 - 19.01.1992, QUANTUM ~
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- OEM part number: 3259190537
- Was discontinued without replacement on Feb 1, 2012.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.04.1991 - 08.09.1992, 2 doors ~if production date from 01.04.1991 - 02.11.1992, 074 ~if production date from 01.11.1991 - 02.11.1992, 432 ~if production date from 04.11.1991 - 02.11.1992, 432+ 074 ~if production date from 03.11.
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- OEM part number: 3259190537
- Was discontinued without replacement on Feb 1, 2012.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 30.11.1992 - 31.08.1993, 2 doors, 074+ 653if production date from 01.02.1993 - 31.08.1994, 525,074+ 525if production date from 01.09.1993 - 31.08.1994, 527,074+524,074+527,074+432+ 527if production date from 04.04.1994 - 31.08.1994
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- OEM part number: 3259190537
- Was discontinued without replacement on Feb 1, 2012.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 03.11.1992 - 30.08.1993, 4-door, 653,074+432+ 653if production date from 03.11.1992 - 31.08.1993, 074+ 809if production date from 03.11.1992 - 03.04.1994, 074+424,424+432, 424if production date from 03.11.1992 - 31.08.1994, 074+420
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- OEM part number: 3259190537
- Was discontinued without replacement on Feb 1, 2012.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 20.01.1992 - 08.09.1992, QUANTUM ~if production date from 20.01.1992 - 02.11.1992, 074 ~if production date from 03.11.1992 - 31.01.1993, 599,074+ 599 ~if production date from 03.11.1992 - 30.08.1993, 074+322+653,322+653,322+432+653
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- OEM part number: 3259190537
- Was discontinued without replacement on Feb 1, 2012.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.02.1993 - 31.08.1994, QUANTUM, 525,074+ 525if production date from 01.09.1993 - 31.08.1994, 527,074+524,074+527,074+432+ 527if production date from 04.04.1994 - 31.08.1994, 524
432+ 527
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- OEM part number: 3259190538
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.09.1993 - 03.04.1994, 2 doors, 243+ 424if production date from 01.09.1993 - 31.08.1994, 074+243+420+472,074+243+527+074+245+420,074+245+527,432+472,074+245+420+432,243+420,243+527,243+ 525if production date from 04.04.1994 - 31.
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- OEM part number: 3259190538
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.09.1993 - 31.08.1994, 4-door, 074+245+420,074+245+527,432+472,074+245+420+432,243+420,243+527,243+ 525if production date from 04.04.1994 - 31.08.1994, 243+ 524if production date from 01.09.1994 - 31.07.2006, 074+245+ 472if produ
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- OEM part number: 3259190538
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.09.1993 - 31.08.1994, QUANTUM, 432,243+420,243+527,243+ 525 ~if production date from 04.04.1994 - 31.08.1994, 243+ 524 ~if production date from 01.09.1994 - 31.12.2001, 074+245+ 472 ~
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- OEM part number: 3259190539
- Was discontinued without replacement on Jun 1, 2009.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.04.1991 - 31.08.1993, 2 doors, 809 ~if production date from 01.10.1991 - 31.08.1993, 4-door ~if production date from 20.01.1992 - 31.08.1993, QUANTUM ~
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- OEM part number: ZBC919059B
- Was discontinued without replacement on Aug 22, 2007.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.02.1984 - 30.08.1988, 2 doors, 420+074+481,420+481,653+341,653+074+481,074+355,074+249+355+424,197,197+355,074+197+197+355,355+481,074+074+076+197+355,355+ 424 ~if production date from 01.09.1985 - 28.02.1986, 074+076+355+ 424 ~
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- OEM part number: ZBC919059B
- Was discontinued without replacement on Aug 22, 2007.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.09.1985 - 30.08.1988, 2 doors, 481+ 424 ~if production date from 01.03.1986 - 30.08.1988, 904,355+249,074+249+355,249+355+424,074+355+481,074+355+424+ 481 ~if production date from 01.04.1988 - 30.08.1988, 074+249+653,249+ 653 ~i
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- OEM part number: ZBC919059B
- Was discontinued without replacement on Aug 22, 2007.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.06.1984 - 30.08.1988, 4-door, 074+249+355+424,197,197+355,074+197+355+481,074+197+355,074+076+197+355,355+ 424 ~if production date from 01.08.1984 - 30.08.1988 ~if production date from 01.09.1985 - 28.02.1986, 074+076+355+ 424 ~
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- OEM part number: ZBC919059B
- Was discontinued without replacement on Aug 22, 2007.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.03.1986 - 30.08.1988, 4-door, 074+355+481,074+355+424+ 481 ~if production date from 01.04.1988 - 30.08.1988, 074+249+653,249+ 653 ~if production date from 01.05.1988 - 30.08.1988, 420+074+249,249,420 ~if production date from 01.
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- OEM part number: ZBC919059B
- Was discontinued without replacement on Aug 22, 2007.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.03.1985 - 30.08.1988, QUANTUM, 481,074+197+355,074+076+197+355,355+ 424 ~if production date from 01.09.1985 - 28.02.1986, 074+076+355+ 424 ~if production date from 01.09.1985 - 30.08.1988, 355+481,355+481+ 424 ~if production dat
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- OEM part number: ZBC919059B
- Was discontinued without replacement on Aug 22, 2007.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.04.1988 - 30.08.1988, QUANTUM, 249+ 653 ~if production date from 01.05.1988 - 30.08.1988, 420+074+249,249+ 420 ~
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- OEM part number: 3259190591
- Was discontinued without replacement on May 31, 2002.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.09.1988 - 31.03.1991, 2 doors, 025,904,420,653 ~if production date from 01.09.1988 - 30.09.1991, 4-door ~if production date from 01.09.1988 - 19.01.1992, QUANTUM ~
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- OEM part number: 3259190592
- Was discontinued without replacement on Jun 1, 2009.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.09.1988 - 31.03.1991, 2 doors, 074,R06 ~if production date from 01.09.1988 - 30.09.1991, 4-door, 420+074,653+074,074, R06 ~if production date from 01.09.1988 - 19.01.1992, QUANTUM ~
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- OEM part number: 3259190593
- Was discontinued without replacement on Jul 29, 2006.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Fits: 555if production date from 01.06.1984 to 30.09.1991
- Description: 4-door
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- OEM part number: 3259190599
- Was discontinued without replacement on Nov 1, 2011.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.04.1991 - 08.09.1992, 2 doors ~if production date from 01.04.1991 - 02.11.1992, 074 ~if production date from 01.04.1991 - 31.08.1993, 809 ~if production date from 01.11.1991 - 02.11.1992, 432 ~if production date from 01.11.1991
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- OEM part number: 3259190599
- Was discontinued without replacement on Nov 1, 2011.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 03.11.1992 - 03.04.1994, 2 doors, 074+424+ 432 ~if production date from 03.11.1992 - 31.08.1994, 074+420+432,074+420,420,420+ 432 ~if production date from 03.11.1992 - 30.09.1995, 074+432+653,074+432+ 599 ~if production date from 0
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- OEM part number: 3259190599
- Was discontinued without replacement on Nov 1, 2011.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.09.1993 - 31.08.1994, 2 doors, 432+472,243+432+527,527,074+524,074+527,074+245+420+ 432if production date from 04.04.1994 - 31.08.1994, 243+524,524if production date from 01.09.1994 - 30.09.1995, 432,074+245+ 472if production da
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- OEM part number: 3259190599
- Was discontinued without replacement on Nov 1, 2011.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 04.11.1991 - 02.11.1992, 4-door, 432+ 074 ~if production date from 03.11.1992 - 30.09.1996, 074+432+653,074+432+ 599 ~if production date from 03.11.1992 - 31.01.1993, 599,074+ 599 ~if production date from 03.11.1992 - 30.08.1993, 4
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- OEM part number: 3259190599
- Was discontinued without replacement on Nov 1, 2011.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 03.11.1992 - 31.08.1994, 4-door, 420+ 432 ~if production date from 01.02.1993 - 31.08.1994, 525,074+525,243+ 525 ~if production date from 01.09.1993 - 31.08.1994, 243+420,322+653,243+420+432,243+420+527,074+245+527,074+245+420,074+
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- OEM part number: 3259190599
- Was discontinued without replacement on Nov 1, 2011.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.09.1993 - 31.08.1994, 4-door, 432if production date from 04.04.1994 - 31.08.1994, 243+524,524if production date from 01.09.1994 - 30.09.1996, 432,074+245+ 472if production date from 01.11.1991 - 02.11.1992, QUANTUMif production
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- OEM part number: 3259190599
- Was discontinued without replacement on Nov 1, 2011.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 03.11.1992 - 30.08.1993, QUANTUM, 074+ 424 ~if production date from 03.11.1992 - 31.08.1993, 074+322+653,322+653,322+432+653,424+432,074+322+432,653,074+653, 472 ~if production date from 03.11.1992 - 03.04.1994, 074+424+ 432 ~if pr
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- OEM part number: 3259190599
- Was discontinued without replacement on Nov 1, 2011.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.09.1993 - 31.08.1994, QUANTUM, 243+420+432,243+420+527,074+245+527,074+245+420,074+243+420+472,074+243+527+432+472,243+432+527,527,074+524,074+527,074+245+420+ 432if production date from 04.04.1994 - 31.08.1994, 243+524,524if pr
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- OEM part number: 3259190599
- Was discontinued without replacement on Nov 1, 2011.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Fits: 074+245+ 472if production date from 01.09.1994 to 30.09.1996
- Description: QUANTUM
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- OEM part number: 3279190591
- Was discontinued without replacement on Dec 1, 2012.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.10.1996 - 01.02.1998, 4-doorif production date from 01.10.1996 - 31.03.1997, 780
074+245+ 472
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- OEM part number: ZBC919061
- Was discontinued without replacement on Sep 1, 2013.
- Description: Light red
if production date from 01.02.1984 - 30.08.1988, 2 doors, 420+074+481,420+481,653+341,653+074+481,074+355,074+249+355+424,197,197+355,074+197+355+481,074+197+355,074+076+197+355,355+ 424, use 1if production date from 01.02.1984 - 31.03.1991if pr
Available in 14 shops. Add to cart
- OEM part number: ZBC919061
- Was discontinued without replacement on Sep 1, 2013.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: Light red
if production date from 01.09.1985 - 30.08.1988, 2 doors, 355+ 481if production date from 01.03.1986 - 30.08.1988, 355+249,074+249+355,249+355+424,074+355+481,074+355+424+ 481if production date from 01.03.1986 - 31.03.1991, 904if production date
Available in 14 shops. Add to cart
- OEM part number: ZBC919061
- Was discontinued without replacement on Sep 1, 2013.
- Description: Light red
if production date from 01.06.1984 - 30.08.1988, 4-door, 420+481,653+341,653+074+481,074+355,074+249+355+424,197,197+355,074+197+355+481,074+197+355,074+076+197+355,355+ 424, use 1if production date from 01.06.1984 - 30.09.1991if production date
Available in 14 shops. Add to cart
- OEM part number: ZBC919061
- Was discontinued without replacement on Sep 1, 2013.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: Light redif production date from 01.09.1985 - 30.08.1988, 4-door, 355+481+ 424 ~if production date from 01.03.1986 - 30.08.1988, 355+249,074+249+355,249+355+424,074+355+481,074+355+424+ 481 ~if production date from 01.03.1986 - 30.09.1991, 904 ~if product
Available in 14 shops. Add to cart
- OEM part number: ZBC919061
- Was discontinued without replacement on Sep 1, 2013.
- Description: Light red
if production date from 01.03.1985 - 30.08.1988, QUANTUM, 420+481,653+341,653+074+481,420+074+481,074+355,074+249+355+424,197,197+355,074+197+355+481,074+197+355,074+076+197+355+ 424, use 1if production date from 01.03.1985 - 19.01.1992if produc
Available in 14 shops. Add to cart
- OEM part number: ZBC919061
- Was discontinued without replacement on Sep 1, 2013.
- Description: Light redif production date from 01.09.1985 - 28.02.1986, QUANTUM, 424, X ~if production date from 01.09.1985 - 30.08.1988, 355,481+ 424, 1 ~if production date from 01.03.1986 - 30.08.1988, 355+249,074+249+355,249+355+424,074+355+481,074+355+424+ 481 ~if
Available in 14 shops. Add to cart
- OEM part number: ZBC919061A
- Was discontinued without replacement on Dec 1, 2012.
- Description: Green
if production date from 01.02.1984 - 03.08.1988, 2 doors, 074+ 355, use 1if production date from 01.02.1984 - 30.08.1988, 420+074+481,420+481,653+341,653+074+481,074+249+355+424,197,197+355,074+197+355+481,074+197+355,074+076+197+355,355+ 424if prod
Available in 1 shop. Add to cart
- OEM part number: ZBC919061A
- Was discontinued without replacement on Dec 1, 2012.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: Greenif production date from 01.09.1985 - 30.08.1988, 2 doors, 355+481,355+481+ 424 ~if production date from 01.03.1986 - 30.08.1988, 355+249,074+249+355,249+355+424,074+355+481,074+355+424+ 481 ~if production date from 01.03.1986 - 31.03.1991, 904 ~if pr
Available in 1 shop. Add to cart
- OEM part number: ZBC919061A
- Was discontinued without replacement on Dec 1, 2012.
- Description: Greenif production date from 01.06.1984 - 30.08.1988, 4-door, 420+481,653+341,653+074+481,074+355,074+249+355+424,197,197+355,074+197+355+481,074+197+355,074+076+197+355,355+ 424, 1 ~if production date from 01.06.1984 - 30.09.1991, R06 ~if production date
Available in 1 shop. Add to cart
- OEM part number: ZBC919061A
- Was discontinued without replacement on Dec 1, 2012.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: Green
if production date from 01.09.1985 - 30.08.1988, 4-door, 355+481+ 424if production date from 01.03.1986 - 30.08.1988, 355+249,074+249+355,249+355+424,074+355+481,074+355+424+ 481if production date from 01.03.1986 - 30.09.1991, 904if production date
Available in 1 shop. Add to cart
- OEM part number: ZBC919061A
- Was discontinued without replacement on Dec 1, 2012.
- Description: Green
if production date from 01.03.1985 - 20.08.1988, QUANTUM, 074+ 355, use 1if production date from 01.03.1985 - 30.08.1988, 420+074+481,420+481,653+341,653+074+481,074+249+355+424,197,197+355,074+197+355+481,074+197+355,074+076+197+355,355+ 424if prod
Available in 1 shop. Add to cart
- OEM part number: ZBC919061A
- Was discontinued without replacement on Dec 1, 2012.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: Greenif production date from 01.09.1985 - 30.08.1988, QUANTUM, 355+481,355+481+ 424 ~if production date from 01.03.1986 - 30.08.1988, 355+249,074+249+355,249+355+424,074+355+481,074+355+424+ 481 ~if production date from 01.03.1986 - 19.01.1992, 904 ~if pr
Available in 1 shop. Add to cart
- OEM part number: ZBC919061B
- Was discontinued without replacement on Dec 1, 2012.
- Description: Yellow
if production date from 01.02.1984 - 30.08.1985, 2 doors, use 3if production date from 01.02.1984 - 30.08.1988, 074+ 355, use 1if production date from 01.09.1985 - 28.02.1986, use 2if production date from 01.06.1984 - 30.08.1985, 4-doorif productio
Available in 1 shop. Add to cart
- OEM part number: ZBC919061C
- Was discontinued without replacement on Dec 1, 2013.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: Dark red
if production date from 01.02.1984 - 30.08.1988, 2 doors, 420+074+481,420+481,653+341,653+074+481,074+355,074+249+355+424,197,197+355,074+197+355+481,074+197+355,074+076+197+355,355+ 424if production date from 01.02.1984 - 31.03.1991if production
Available in 14 shops. Add to cart
- OEM part number: ZBC919061C
- Was discontinued without replacement on Dec 1, 2013.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: Dark redif production date from 01.09.1985 - 30.08.1988, 2 doors, 355+481,355+481+ 424 ~if production date from 01.03.1986 - 30.08.1988, 355+249,074+249+355,249+355+424,074+355+481,074+355+424+ 481 ~if production date from 01.03.1986 - 31.03.1991, 904 ~if
Available in 14 shops. Add to cart
- OEM part number: ZBC919061C
- Was discontinued without replacement on Dec 1, 2013.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: Dark red
if production date from 01.06.1984 - 30.08.1988, 4-door, 420+481,653+341,653+074+481,074+355,074+249+355+424,197,197+355,074+197+355+481,074+197+355,074+076+197+355,355+ 424if production date from 01.06.1984 - 30.09.1991if production date from 01
Available in 14 shops. Add to cart
- OEM part number: ZBC919061C
- Was discontinued without replacement on Dec 1, 2013.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: Dark red
if production date from 01.09.1985 - 30.08.1988, 4-door, 355+481+ 424if production date from 01.03.1986 - 30.08.1988, 355+249,074+249+355,249+355+424,074+355+ 481if production date from 01.03.1986 - 30.09.1991, 904if production date from 01.04.19
Available in 14 shops. Add to cart
- OEM part number: ZBC919061C
- Was discontinued without replacement on Dec 1, 2013.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: Dark red
if production date from 01.03.1985 - 30.08.1988, QUANTUM, 420+481,653+341,653+074+481,074+355,074+249+355+424,197,197+355,074+197+355+481,074+197+355,074+076+197+355,355+ 424if production date from 01.03.1985 - 19.01.1992if production date from 0
Available in 14 shops. Add to cart
- OEM part number: ZBC919061C
- Was discontinued without replacement on Dec 1, 2013.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: Dark redif production date from 01.09.1985 - 30.08.1988, QUANTUM, 355+481+ 424 ~if production date from 01.03.1986 - 30.08.1988, 355+249,074+249+355,249+355+424,074+355+481,074+355+424+ 481 ~if production date from 01.03.1986 - 19.01.1992, 904 ~if product
Available in 14 shops. Add to cart
- OEM part number: 357919062
- Description: If production date from 01.02.1984 - 31.07.2006, 2 doors, 481, use 1if production date from 01.02.1984 - 30.08.1988, 420+074+ 481, use 2if production date from 01.02.1984 - 30.03.1991if production date from 01.02.1984 - 31.03.1991, R06if production date f
Available in 17 shops. Add to cart
- OEM part number: 357919062
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.09.1985 - 30.08.1988, 2 doors, 355+481+ 424if production date from 01.03.1986 - 30.08.1988, 355+249,074+249+355,249+355+424,074+355+481,074+355+ 424if production date from 01.03.1986 - 31.03.1991, 904if production date from 01.0
Available in 17 shops. Add to cart
- OEM part number: 357919062
- Description: If production date from 01.06.1984 - 30.08.1988, 4-door, 653+074+481,074+355,197,197+355,074+197+355,481,074+076+197,355,355+ 424, use 1if production date from 01.06.1984 - 30.09.1991if production date from 01.09.1985 - 28.02.1986, 074+076+ 355, use 2if p
Available in 17 shops. Add to cart
- OEM part number: 357919062
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.03.1986 - 30.08.1988, 4-door, 481if production date from 01.03.1986 - 30.09.1991, 904if production date from 01.04.1988 - 30.08.1988, 074+249+653,249+ 653if production date from 01.05.1988 - 30.08.1988, 420+074+249,249+ 420if pr
Available in 17 shops. Add to cart
- OEM part number: 357919062
- Description: If production date from 01.03.1985 - 30.08.1988, QUANTUM, 197,197+355,074+197+355,481,074+076+197,355,355+ 424, use 1if production date from 01.03.1985 - 19.01.1992if production date from 01.09.1985 - 28.02.1986, 074+076+ 355, use 2if production date from
Available in 17 shops. Add to cart
- OEM part number: 357919062
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.05.1986 - 30.08.1988, QUANTUM, 420+074+ 249 ~if production date from 01.04.1988 - 30.08.1988, 074+249+653,249+ 653 ~if production date from 01.05.1988 - 30.08.1988, 420+074+249,249+ 420 ~if production date from 01.09.1988 - 19.0
Available in 17 shops. Add to cart
- OEM part number: 3079190621
- Was discontinued without replacement on Mar 11, 2005.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.02.1984 - 31.03.1991, 2 doorsif production date from 01.09.1988 - 31.03.1991, 074,904,420,653,420+074,653+ 074if production date from 01.06.1984 - 30.09.1991, 4-doorif production date from 01.09.1988 - 30.09.1991if production da
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- OEM part number: 3079190751
- Was discontinued without replacement on Jun 1, 2009.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.02.1984 - 30.08.1988, 2 doors, 420+481,653+341,197,197+355,355,355+ 424if production date from 01.02.1984 - 31.03.1991if production date from 01.09.1985 - 28.02.1986, 355+ 481if production date from 01.09.1985 - 30.08.1988, 355+
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- OEM part number: 3079190751
- Was discontinued without replacement on Jun 1, 2009.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.06.1984 - 30.08.1988, 4-door, 355,355+ 424 ~if production date from 01.06.1984 - 30.09.1991 ~if production date from 01.09.1985 - 28.02.1986, 355+ 481 ~if production date from 01.09.1985 - 30.08.1988, 355+481+ 424 ~if production
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- OEM part number: 3079190751
- Was discontinued without replacement on Jun 1, 2009.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.09.1985 - 30.08.1988, QUANTUM, 355+481+ 424 ~if production date from 01.03.1986 - 30.08.1988, 355+249,355+481,249+355+ 424 ~if production date from 01.03.1986 - 19.01.1992, 904 ~if production date from 01.04.1988 - 30.08.1988, 2
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- OEM part number: 3079190752
- Was discontinued without replacement on Mar 11, 2005.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.02.1984 - 30.08.1988, 2 doors, 420+074+481,653+074+481,074+355,074+249+355+424+074+197+355+481,074+197+355,074+076+197+ 355 ~if production date from 01.02.1984 - 31.03.1991, R06 ~if production date from 01.09.1985 - 28.02.1986,
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- OEM part number: 3079190752
- Was discontinued without replacement on Mar 11, 2005.
- Quantity in car: 1
- Description: If production date from 01.09.1988 - 30.09.1991, 4-door, 420+074,420+074,555 ~if production date from 15.01.1990 - 30.09.1991, 555 ~if production date from 01.03.1985 - 30.08.1988, QUANTUM, 420+074+481,653+074+481,074+355,074+249+355+424,074+197+355+481,0
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